Sexy Wellness Trends for Spring 

Just as we hear about health and wellbeing trends, fitness trends and fashion trends, sex trends are just as relevant for the season ahead.

So if your sex life needs a reboot, why not look to the sexual wellness trends of 2022 for inspiration? Make your next high-end escort encounter the best one yet with these saucy sex trends. 

Sexual Freedom 

When we look at the sex trends that are hot in 2022, there is an emphasis on sexual freedom and the willingness of both parties in a relationship to be more sexually expressive and adventurous. So what does this mean for you? Scintillating sexual adventures with someone outside of your relationship. More and more people are open and honest about their sexual fantasies, including introducing a third party into sexual scenarios. It looks like 2022 is about to make all your fantasies come to life! 

Self Pleasure 

Your first sexual experience will most likely have been something you experienced solo. Self-pleasure is something that is being celebrated in 2022. Self-pleasure now comes under the bracket of self-care. As we all know the health benefits that orgasms have, and now we are encouraged to do more of that both with and without a partner. Self-pleasure does not have to be something you do alone. You can introduce it to an encounter and use it as a sexy, educational lesson showing your elite escort what you like and vice versa. 

Sensory Sex 

Again, this fits with the 2022 sex trend theme of exploring the body. Sensory sex engages the five senses while getting intimate with your escort. The first step into this trend is simply being vocal when you are in the throes of passion with your companion. Let your companion know what you like by moaning or telling her what you like while she is giving you pleasure. Next, light candles or use scented massage oils to engage your sense of smell and use mirrors to provide visual stimulation. 


When we think about sex, we think of intercourse, but this year, the spotlight is on foreplay. This means every form of non-penetrative sex is about to become super popular again. This includes everything from massages and flirting to kissing, oral and other pleasurable activities. Of course, this can involve sex toys, whips, chains, restraints and props to make it all the more fun. This is a great way to show your companion how you like to be touched and can make any encounter all the more explosive. 

Which sex trend are you most excited about? 

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